Eileen Rogers
In 2020, Eileen was one of 500 people worldwide selected and trained by Dr. Brené Brown to facilitate her Dare to Lead™ courage building program. The Dare to Lead™ program focuses on developing four courage building skills through workshops, trainings, and coaching to help individuals, teams, and organizations move from armored leadership to daring leadership.
With expertise in fundraising, community leadership, and board governance, she’ll leverage her experiences for your nonprofit. Identifying barriers, growing emerging leaders, and creating sustainable changes as a result. In her community leadership, connector and change agent roles, Eileen has been recognized with the ATHENA Award, the Golden Heart of Business award, The Scottsdale Chamber Legacy award, and Homeward Bound’s Family Champion award. Her leadership service includes many local nonprofit, community banks, and Chamber of Commerce boards. In 2014, she was inducted into the Scottsdale History Makers Hall of Fame.
Eileen is most proud of funding and building a school project near Timbuktu in Africa. A medical mission trip in 2009 introduced her to the plight of the children in Mali. In 1998, she created the Homeward Bound Baby Diaper Drive, now the Diaper Bank of Central Arizona, now serving 40 nonprofit Arizona Agencies.
Eileen enjoys raising money and awareness for special causes. She’s “Danced with the Stars” for Arizona’s foster children, rappelled off tall buildings for Special Olympics, and been “locked up” for Arizona Humane Society dogs. Service is in her heart and action is in her DNA.
With an unbridled joy for life and new adventures, Eileen loves to travel and explore with family and friends. She earned a Global Leadership Certificate from the Thunderbird School of Global Management, a Business degree from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, is a certified professional coach, and certified Enneagram professional.
As your coach, Eileen is the rare and courageous thought partner who digs in with you to uncover your deepest values, barriers, motivations, and heart. She will stay with you as you release the old, limiting beliefs that halt your progress. Eileen will be with you when it’s hard, and she’ll be there when you transform.
~ Marianne Williamson

One Creative View, LLC
3213 N. 81st Place
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
Office Hours by Appointment

© Copyright 2019 One Creative View - All Rights Reserved

One Creative View, LLC
3213 N. 81st Place
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
Office Hours by Appointment
© Copyright 2019 One Creative View
All Rights Reserved